Net Neutrality: A Deep Dive

What is net neutrality?

Net neutrality is all about the Government or Internet Service Providers (ISPs) treating all the data on the Internet equally without any bias and does not charge differently from the consumers for giving preferential treatment to certain websites or higher-quality delivery. In a broader context, internet users should have access to all the data at the same speed. This means that Internet service providers should not be able to slide some data onto the fast lanes by blocking or slowing down the other data. In other words, the internet service provider should never be able to block you from accessing a service like Skype and slow down Netflix so that it is encouraging you to keep your cable package or manipulating you to buy a different video streaming service.

Many Global councils have strived and tried to reinforce net neutrality protections. Many net neutrality advocates believe it as a fact that the internet is very important for innovation and everybody has the right to proper information. If the internet service providers are biased and start playing only its favorite online information or apps then the new technologies and companies will never have a chance to grow. For example, if the internet service providers have blocked or slowed down YouTube and Netflix then we wouldn’t have both of them in today’s generation.

The majority of the consumer advocates argue that if the net neutrality rules are prohibited then the Internet service providers start selling the internet in bundles. When this happens, they will have two different packages, one which will be a premium package which will be sold for a huge price and many of the utility apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media package and including a few other websites will be available in with amazing speed; and in the second package, everything will be slow. This will be like paying a huge price for basic needs.

How does it affect me anyway?

When net neutrality rules are properly followed then all the Internet service providers will treat everyone’s data without any bias and they do not get to censor certain websites nor they can slow down any of your favorite websites. For example, if your internet service provider has a good tie-up with a particular entertainment streaming service or a cable channel then it would slow down your streaming speed on any other channels apart from that particular entertainment streaming service. It might also demand more money to gave the bandwidth so that you can watch all your prime shows on Amazon and Netflix. The loss of net neutrality stops this from happening.

Global councils set up proper regulations for sustaining net neutrality but the Internet service providers have protested this. If net neutrality is eliminated then below are a few things which will be gone for a toss:

  1. Freedom to start an online business and compete on a high level.
  2. Freedom of speech online.
  3. Freedom from Monopoly business.
  4. Freedom to browse at a fast speed and visit any website.

The sad truth is that fast lanes in the internet service provider do exist. Highly successful companies like Facebook, Netflix, and Google already pay for Direct Access to Internet service providers. According to research, there are two types of fast lanes that our existing today.


The famous and successful companies pay the internet service providers for a direct connection which is called peering which makes a link for the internet backbone and speeds up their transfers.

Content delivery network

The reason why Google results are displayed so quickly is that the search engine pays for this privilege and sets its service inside the bowels of Internet service providers that are the sole reason why the search is faster and the images are displayed even faster.

The open internet order has come up with three important rules on how to completely eradicate the competitive practices by ISP s and follow net neutrality.

Firstly any internet service provider must be transparent on how they manage the traffic on their networks. The second rule is to avoid blocking their customers from accessing any applications of any video streaming services or websites owned by the competitors. The third rule is to provide unbiased service to any customer for any data.…

history of the internet

A Brief History of the Internet

There is no doubt that the internet is a powerful establishment of technology, industry, and communication. Internet is stated as the network of networks which has an ability to connect millions of computers in order to form a wide range of network and it also helps to communicate with each other around the globe and also helps in sharing the data and resources. It is easy to receive any kind of information, accessibility to data, communication among people, shopping online, playing games, sex apps, dating apps, and many more things can be easily done just by connecting your computer via the Internet.

World Wide Web

WWW is expanded as the World Wide Web or web is a platform with different websites which helps you to access any kind of global information across the Internet. A web-browser application is essentially important that assists you to obtain all the information from multiple websites by the Internet. So the Internet is everything and requires many things that can assist you to gather any kind of information happening globally from the worldwide range. There are some admired “Authorities” on the internet which extremely impact the internet’s posts and people interactions. Creating a website for your business is not enough and you need to do some SEO works to bring your website in top Google listings.

The Internet has been the chief source in various fields like Education, Science, experimentation and others to promote, plan and perform many other actions. It is a physical entity that relies on the corporeal foundation to connect a network of other systems. The Internet theory was first neologized through networking by J C R Licklider in 1962 which originally coined as Galactic network. It was applied for interconnecting a set of computers to access the data as well as programs. The concept of DARPA came into a continuation and finally, ARPANET which is known as the first host computer was equated. The ARPANET was used formerly as a networking technology for the first electronic mail messaging service. Finally, ARPANET converted the Internet which runs on various autonomous networks with its system architecture design. The packet switching method was also added between networks that execute data communication from one point to another cautiously.

The beginning of the term Internet

On October 24, 1995, the FNC announced a resolution stating the term as the Internet with several members of the Internet and rational property associations. The recommendation passed states where the Internet is a global erudition system that is logically connected by global unique reservation address depending on IP or Internet Protocol including support communications utilizing TCP or Transmission Control Protocol. It additionally affirms that it provides the users access to all the assistance clandestinely or publicly for discussions. Since then with considerable evolution and technology, the networking theory has developed. There came peer to scrutinize, client/server model and more that supports connecting personal computers to a web. Physical cordages, extension wires, networking accessories, LAN, WAN and several other things also evolved into existence with the new generation that distributes the networks worldwide. There are numerous connection varieties like wired, wireless, 2G to 7G that starts to enhance the network functions.

Internet TimeLine shows the discoveries, achievements and major findings in the evolution of the Internet in this Computer world. It was in 1962 when J.C.R Liklider first neologized the idea of an intergalactic set-up of networked systems after which the ARPA which is expanded as Advanced Research Projects Agency was created by US Government while the packet switching was launched by Leonard Kleinrock. From 1964 to 1967 a distinctive packet switching set-up was designed by Donald watts Davies at National physical laboratory in Great Britain which transforms the data communications in multiple fields. Additionally, the information blocks model was also relinquished during data connections by Paul Baran from Rand Corporation in the US.

The essential changeover of the Internet

1965 was the year of the first WAN which is expanded as the Wide area network. It was generated by connecting over a long-distance dial-up within TX-2 computer in Massachusetts and Q-32 computer in California. The packet switching cycle also expands into a continuation for more dependable data communications. In 1969 the final plans, funding, patterns and first record packet rearranging the ARPAnet’s structure proposal was drafted to design the network construction. The physical interface message processor which is known as IMP was produced that it links to four distinct universities and data packets are sent halfway networked computers. The first trial was not successful with the capital G of Login was started. But in the second trial, it furnishes a positive acknowledgement. In 1972, Following the Internet protocols execution and first IP connectivity were created, the IMP network also immediately progresses with 23 hosts. Eventually, the e-mail or electronic mail was preceded by Ray Tomlinson that can transmit messages across networks. Packet switching was caused by linking 20 different computers and the first Internet address registry was performed.

During 1973 the first TCP/IP protocol and Ethernet were developed that interlinks different computer networks for conversing with other individuals. The TCP provides the users to log in to a remote computer as well as supports to download files. In 1982, the first Internet connection was installed in Asia by Kilnam Chon that was called as SDN and succeeding termed as the Internet. The first DNS or Domain name system was organized with network addresses in 1983 to recognize an organization by .edu, .com, .org etc. The first UNIX network was formed in Japan in 1984 and the first e-mail accepted in Germany. In 1988, the first Internet exchange point was installed by joining TCP/IP networks and first commercial as well as the non-commercial Internet networks. It was additionally the year where the first ISP or Internet Service provider was designed by Daniel Karrenberg. It is the time when the Internet is increasing worldwide and Dr Stephen Goldstein operates an essential role in evaluating and funding for the Internet. It then accommodates to combine about 25 countries to NSFNET. …